Monday, June 25, 2007

Mothers are like Fairy Dust

I once sent a card to my mum and explained to her that mothers are like fairy dust. It is because they sparkle, they are magical, and they always believe in your dreams. I am lucky to have 2 mothers. My mum, Gigi and Joe's mum, Judy. Fate intervened in April 2002 and Joe and I met and eventually married and by the magic of fairydust our 2 mothers have become the best of friends! It started with some phone calls and emails and now they talk almost daily! They live 5 hours apart and I always like to imagine that if they lived closer they would get to spend more time together shopping and drinking a Starbucks-but as it is their email friendship works out splendidly. I know I am lucky girl to have these ladies in my life always supporting Joe and I, rooting for us and encouraging us with their bits of motherly magic and fairy dust they scatter to the wind and send our way. Thank you. We love you both very much.

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