Friday, December 10, 2010

postpartum groove

i do pregnancy well
i never get sick
i love the bump
i never complain
i get lots of compliments from joe

postpartum is a whole other story
it is emotional, irrational, hormonal, stressful
even with cute babies!
so here's to me getting my groove back and feeling better physically and spiritually
here are some images inspiring me lately and making me feel crafty

everyone needs a star crown!

top image from giantdwarf on etsy

second image from alittlebirdietoldmoi from etsy
third pic from greenweddingshoes

1 comment:

Traci said...

here's to you getting your groove back! it takes a little time so be patient and don't forget to take time for yourself. you're still in there.....every wonderful bit of you!