Thursday, November 11, 2010

strong valiant brave

here is luke's room
the paint is behr twilight gray
and the starting off point was the
cow that jumped over the moon
rug and painting purchased in portland before i was expecting another baby
i adore all the fabrics i chose and added some yellow to balance out all the blue-gray
i am now taking a break from crafts but i always have ideas up my sleeve
and will carry on after luke's arrival

baby luke,
we can't wait to meet you

you take your time i am patiently awaiting your grand entrance to the world,
i can't wait to kiss your squishy cute face and have you meet your big brother

you are already strong valiant and brave
and we love you

1 comment:

Traci said...

Luke is so strong, valiant and brave already and he is going to be welcomed into the most loving and beautiful family I know. He has an absolutely gorgeous room, that I got the delight of seeing, where he will be tucked in each night where he will feel so much love blanketing him. He is such a special and lucky little bebe.