Friday, October 30, 2009

just call me supermum

We are soooooo excited for Halloween!
Tonight when SuperDad.....I mean Joe gets home we are going to Pei Wei, and then we will watch Mad Monster Party and have some gingerbread hot cocoa*.
Tomorrow we will carve a pumpkin and do some trick or treating and reveal our costume choices.
It is a surprise to some..... including Joe!
We bought Boo's but I hand-created the others!
These pics are your hint!

How cool is it that she has red hair!
Go BatMum Go!!!!!!

*to make gingerbread cocoa simply add a seasonal gingerbread teabag to cocoa and enjoy!

Monday, October 19, 2009

pumpkin patch, texas style

how to enjoy a pumpkin patch in texas:

first pay admission of $14
feed goats with food you paid$14 for
then pose for pictures with your curly hair
next run all over pumpkin patch while your dad chases you and your mum takes pictures
fearlessly feed a longhorn with leftover $14 food
pose for more pictures
at last drive home

lovely lovely day and worth far more then $14........

Thursday, October 8, 2009

feeling thankful

i am on my way to florida to see my grandmother and introduce her to brockie
just finished watching nienie on oprah and feeling thankful
for many things

one of which is brock and his curly hair

Friday, October 2, 2009

happy october

this is the view from my backyard taken on monday
we love clouds