Monday, December 28, 2009

paris winter

this is what snow in paris looks like
ooh la la

pictures from dress design and decor blog

Thursday, December 24, 2009

white christmas

it truly is a white christmas in texas tonight
we are so blessed
merry christmas brockie

Sunday, December 20, 2009

winter wonderland

here are some more of my favorite wintery images
they help me when i am having a bad sewing day....
and i just watched the movie "a christmas story"
i appreciate the film a lot more now that i am a parent
5 more days to go!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

ready for winter

ready for winter
ready for whimsical anthropologie catalogs
ready for antiquing for vintage christmas
ready for a neighborhood drive gazing at the christmas lights
ready for homemade gingerbread
ready to finish some sewing
ready to send packages
ready to snuggle with boo

Thursday, December 10, 2009

and the unicorns rejoiced as the fairies danced

we are back from our 3 week long tour of the Northwest
joe is done traveling for the rest of the year
the tree is up
brock is meowing

let the celebrating begin!

this is how I would look if I were blonde and wore pink fur!
picture from dress design and decor blog

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

these boots

sometimes you have such a crazy week that you just have to go buy some new boots
it doesn't necessarily fix everything but it soothes.....
just like a mocha in a red holiday cup with your princess friend traci

please note this starbucks cup picture is from 2008 sorry about that

Sunday, November 1, 2009

my family

Halloween was a success!
We were a real superhero family with our thrifted and handcrafted costumes.
Pizza and candy and hugs for the dogs!
Just another normal day for us
except for the pizza and candy and superhero masks......

Friday, October 30, 2009

just call me supermum

We are soooooo excited for Halloween!
Tonight when SuperDad.....I mean Joe gets home we are going to Pei Wei, and then we will watch Mad Monster Party and have some gingerbread hot cocoa*.
Tomorrow we will carve a pumpkin and do some trick or treating and reveal our costume choices.
It is a surprise to some..... including Joe!
We bought Boo's but I hand-created the others!
These pics are your hint!

How cool is it that she has red hair!
Go BatMum Go!!!!!!

*to make gingerbread cocoa simply add a seasonal gingerbread teabag to cocoa and enjoy!

Monday, October 19, 2009

pumpkin patch, texas style

how to enjoy a pumpkin patch in texas:

first pay admission of $14
feed goats with food you paid$14 for
then pose for pictures with your curly hair
next run all over pumpkin patch while your dad chases you and your mum takes pictures
fearlessly feed a longhorn with leftover $14 food
pose for more pictures
at last drive home

lovely lovely day and worth far more then $14........

Thursday, October 8, 2009

feeling thankful

i am on my way to florida to see my grandmother and introduce her to brockie
just finished watching nienie on oprah and feeling thankful
for many things

one of which is brock and his curly hair

Friday, October 2, 2009

happy october

this is the view from my backyard taken on monday
we love clouds

Thursday, September 24, 2009

currently inspired by......

i am feeling very artsy this week.
this images are inspiring me
i would love to make pretend food-even oreos for Brockie!
lets get to the fabric store asap!

Friday, September 18, 2009

autumn is here

autumn is here and I thought I would share my favorite fall-ish "dream"outfit!
how do I know fall is here?
*brock got sick- his second cold ever-poor lil guy
*starbucks is promoting their pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin frappuccino, pumpkins muffins etc.
*it has been raining all week
*college football has started

I have more sewing to share but first I need to have a coffee and some shopping with The Princess, Traci.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

modern mom

Felicity Huffman was quoted on Celebrity Baby Scoop blog with her opinion regarding the difference between an old fashioned mom and a modern mom:

"I'll start with my definition of an old-fashioned mom: a mom who puts the needs of everyone else above hers to her own detriment. A modern mom respects herself and honors her needs on par with those of her family."

picture is sweet and low by jessie wilcox smith

Monday, September 7, 2009

hug and kiss boo

the others aren't that important

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


When I am not shaking my sillies out and Brockie is not yawning his sleepies out
we feel like this picture

image from lovinthemommyhood blog

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thursday, August 13, 2009


i love this image of Joe and Boo
it is maybe my favorite of all time

even better then these:

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

turning the corner

here are some pics of my latest projects
a tote bag, an apron, and a blanket
i am still learning to sew boxed corners and but until then I feel like I have turned a corner
within myself

Friday, July 31, 2009

more magic please

i can't remember where I found this image but i love it because it reminds me to dream in a childlike fashion. with no boundaries and envisioning all things that are magic:
rainbows and butterflies and unicorns and fluffy clouds.
i have no doubt brockie will dream this way too.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

more sunshine

i love this idea
and i should add this to our home